I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the twenty-fifth of those messages – Signs. Jesus said you should never ask for a sign:Matthew 12:39 “He answered ‘ a wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign’” The reason for this is that the […]
33 Messages from God – #24 The Pot
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the twenty-fourth of those messages – The Pot. I hope it helps you. As we journey through life, some of us get seriously damaged by circumstances and events, and we develop holes in our being like […]
33 Messages from God – #23 A Baby Bird
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the twenty-third of those messages – A Baby Bird. I hope it helps you. Sometimes a person can feel like a baby bird constantly getting kicked out of a tree and landing on their face. Everyone […]
33 Messages from God – #22 A Million Ugly Lies
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the twenty-first of those messages – A Million Ugly Lies. I hope it helps you. The most beautiful things in the universe are unseen. You cant see the truly beautiful things, you can only feel them. The […]
The Cherokee Proverb of the 2 Wolves – Revisited
Last year I made a post about the Cherokee proverb of the two wolves. This post is a new breakdown of this proverb. Just as a recap, here is the proverb itself: A young boy goes up to one of his elders and asks the elder to tell him about fear and the elder replies […]
33 Messages from God – #21 An Army Runs At You
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the twenty-first of those messages – An Army Runs At You. I hope it helps you. If a huge army is running at you with swords and spears crying out war, it is better for your soul […]
33 Messages from God – #20 Gods Will
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the twentieth of those messages – Gods Will. I hope it helps you. A prince walks up to a wise man and says “Sir, could you please explain Gods will and determinism to me in one sentence?” […]
33 Messages from God – #19 Digging The Hole
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the nineteenth of those messages – Digging The Hole. I hope it helps you. Some of us dig a hole. We dig and we dig and we dig. At first the hole isn’t that deep so […]
33 Messages from God – #18 Loved Back Together
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the eighteenth of those messages – Loved Back Together. I hope it helps you. People become addicts not because they’re weak, but because they’re broken. They use things to try and fix themselves but only break […]
33 Messages from God – #17 Give Them Both Half Of The Hour
I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the seventeenth of those messages – Give Them Both Half Of The Hour. I hope it helps you. Every person on this planet should be given the same amount of love and respect as the next. […]