As many people have been discussing recently in conspiracy-theory-circles, the film White Noise seems to be a foreshadowing of recent events. Well, let’s be honest. It doesn’t ‘seem’ to be, it most certainly is. I recently made a post which not only broke down the film, but also the novel. It touched on a few things, but since […]
Project Blue Book Communications with ‘The New Project Blue Book’ – 1989
As most of you will already know, Project Blue Book was set up in 1947 (strangely enough – the exact same year as the Roswell incident) Project Blue Book was the name given to a military operation which intended to study UFO and collect data on the subject of UFO. In 1969 the project was […]
Harvard Scientist Robert Duncan Talks About Project Blue Beam on the Koncrete Podcast – Project Blue Beam News
It’s hard to know exactly when this podcast originally aired as it has apparently it was deleted and has now been reuploaded to the original channel, but I’m assuming it’s from the past year or two. Since then, parts of it have also been reuploaded to various channels. It features Harvard Scientist Robert Duncan talking […]
Bush Senior in 1991 Talking About ‘All Nations Being Drawn Together to Fight One Common Enemy’ – Project Blue Beam News
Below is a clip of Bush SR on September 11th 1991 referring to an event in which all nations will be drawn together in an effort to defeat one common enemy (took me ages to find) Many conspiracy theorists assume this is a reference to PBB, the ‘fake alien invasion’ – and it’s hard to consider another […]
Project Blue Book – The Declassified Documents Regarding the Study of UFO by the ASAF from 1952-1969 – Project Blue Beam News
Between 1952-1969, the United States Air Force were conducting a study into UFO sightings. One year after it was started, the United States Director of Central Intelligence, Walter B Smith, detailed (in a now declassified document) how UFO could be used as ‘psychological warfare’. I think this was potentially when the concept of a fake […]
Fact-checked Project Blue Beam Events with Links (All Accounts by Government and Military Personnel Only)
Below is a chronological breakdown of all fact-checked information supporting Project Blue Beam theory over the past century. It does not contain any speculation, numerological or symbolical observations and sticks as closely as possible to what we know. All of the below information has come directly from military and governmental personnel, or has been sourced […]
Neuralink – the Tech that will Divide Nations. An Elon Musk Invention Set To be Implemented in the Next Decade.
By now most of us will have heard of Neuralink – the Elon Musk tech that involves planting a device into the brain that will give the user the ability to see if he cannot see, and ears to hear if he cannot hear. Not in the biblical sense though, but rather the technological sense. […]
Was the Term ‘WOKE’ so Powerful that it was Hijacked by the CIA and Replanted Amongst the Far-Left’s Consciousness to Birth a New Form of Social Divide?
Before 2014, the term to “stay woke” wasn’t something the general public had heard much about. But black communities in the US were using it a lot — the concept of staying “woke” simply meant to stay alert as a basic survival tactic in an ever-growing hostile sociological climate. But in 2014, when Michael Brown […]
The Real Reason Theories Mould and Shape into New Concepts Over Time and The Problem With Conspiracy Psychology
The political landscape is a tricky thing. The conspiracy landscape – an even trickier one. What conspiracy theorists set out to do is to literally predict future events based on current and past events. We are constantly trying to break down reality and understand it since we know deep-down inside us that the reality we […]
Was COVID a Psyop to Test Public Reaction Levels of Hysteria in Response to Major Global Events, Such as a Fake-Alien Invasion? (Project Blue Beam, PBB)
Is it possible that COVID was used to test the levels of hysteria generated by large-global, humanity-threatening events, before eventually releasing Project Blue Beam onto the masses? One of the arguments why AREA 51 and Roswell were ‘debunked’ by government officials, why information was withheld, and why sightings were supressed, is because the general public […]