Many people have spent a lot of time analysing the work of Disney. Within Disney material you will find multiple elements of symbology hidden within the animations. There is a reason for this – what better way to indoctrinate people than to start the indoctrination in their earlier years? You will not only find occult symbology within such animations, but also elements of sex – the intent – to brainwash children before they are even adults. You will find instances of this within all of Disney’s work, if you look for it. I will post more in due course. I will also post a graphic detailing further occult symbology within Disney’s work after this initial graphic. You can decide for yourself if this has happened purely by ‘chance’ or if it has been put there for a reason..
Here are the additional examples:
Thanks for reading,
Cantona Lynx 1084
I loved even more than you could possibly be able to accomplish right here. Despite the fact that the language is stylish and the overall appearance is appealing, there is something odd about the manner that you write that makes me think that you ought to be careful about what you say in the future. In the event that you safeguard this hike, I will most certainly return on multiple occasions.