33 Messages from God – #1 The Seasons of the Soul

I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the first of those messages – The Seasons of the Soul. I hope it helps you.

The human soul is like a tree that has to go through the 4 seasons in a constant cycle.

Our souls could be said to be like trees, all different in their own ways, growing in different ways, all individual.

We constantly grow through the 4 seasons; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, time and time again.

The Summer, of course, is when we stand firm in the light with the sun shining upon us. We bare beautiful fruit and feel like we are growing, growing into magnificent trees with strong, sturdy branches and crisp green leaves. There are brief moments of rain and sometimes clouds form but these are momentary and soon pass to be replaced once again by powerful beams of light.

But eventually the Autumn comes and our leaves start to tremble and some eventually start to fall. The rain gradually builds and a storm approaches, a storm so strong that we forget Summer even exists. The winds blow and the thunder cracks and the only light that we can see are bolts of lightening shooting down around us. But we keep the faith and have hope because we know that there’s something called Summer.

Then just as we start believing that it may all be over, Winter comes, and with Winter comes snow and even more rain until all of our leaves have fallen and we feel like nothing but a fragile tree, withering away in the wind. Everything around us seems to have died and it feels like it will never return.

But then Spring finally comes and we see some light shining through the clouds. Our leaves start to grow back and our branches start to feel strong again. Our roots continue to root and our fruits start to grow. And suddenly we realise that Summer is about to return.

So what we seem to always forget is that even when we are going through the darkest of times, even when it feels like everything is dead around us and all hope is lost – we forget that we are always growing – through every single second of every single moment, even the worst, most perilous and seemingly doomed moments – we are still growing, growing into beautiful, magnificent, majestic trees.

If you’re going through Winter, just remember to hold on, because I promise you, no matter how bad it may seem, Summer is still waiting for you just around the corner. Stay strong, keep the faith and never, ever give up.

God bless.

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