We Know They use the ‘Divide and Conquer’ Technique to Control us, yet we Continue to Fight Eachother, Even in Conspiracy Forums. Irony in its Purest Form.

One of the techniques ‘they’ use to control us is to divide us. They have been doing it for centuries.

The main element of the ‘divide and conquer’ technique is:

“creating or encouraging divisions among the subjects to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign and distributing forces that they overpower the other.”

In short: if the population are always too busy fighting eachother, they will never get together to overthrow the rulers.

A lot of us already know this, yet still we fight eachother. The divisions among us all are huge. So many different groups and so many different reasons to argue. We really need to wise up. This is exactly what they want.

We as the conspiracy community should know this and appreciate this more than anyone. Yet spend a while in conspiracy forums for example and you’ll find we’re just as bad as everyone else, if not worse at times.

This is exactly what ‘they’ want. We are the ones that should be leading the revolution. We should be helping eachother and when we notice differences, accept those differences but remember that we’re all here for a common cause – to shed truth on what’s happening in the world and come together to fight against the machine.

I’m not saying I’m not guilty of this myself at times, I am. But recently I’ve started realising I’ve just been playing into their hands this whole time.

I think it’s time we try and realise that we need to change this mindset if we ever really want to change the world.


Cantona Lynx


4 thoughts on “We Know They use the ‘Divide and Conquer’ Technique to Control us, yet we Continue to Fight Eachother, Even in Conspiracy Forums. Irony in its Purest Form.

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