33 Messages from God – #5 Balls of Light

I recently went through a spiritual experience and wrote down 33 messages inspired by my journey with God. This is the fifth of those messages – Balls of Light. I hope it helps you.

When you are born, your soul is like a big, bright, beautiful ball of light.

But as you journey through life, you are steadily exposed to the darkness of the world.

This darkness starts to dull the light, the brightness dims and the glow starts to fade.

For some, they manage to fight the darkness off to a certain extent and maintain some light, and a rare few even manage to glow just as bright as they had before.

For others, their light gradually becomes shrouded in more and more darkness until their light has almost completely disappeared – and all that is left is just a tiny speck of light.

But the light is still there. Even in the most darkest of the most lost of humans souls, there is still a tiny speck of light shining away.

Now if we are to try and help these souls return to that original ball of light, what should we do? Attack them? Persecute them? Ostracise them? Expose them to more darkness?

Or do we show them love and help their souls return to the bright ball of light that they once were?

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